the inner terrain
is deeply personal
and profoundly universal
this is the journey
of coming home
300hr Women's YTT
(Y)our Body of Knowledge
(if you are already a student of faculty,
partial attendance may be possible - inquire)
Intentions (personal practice, professionally, collectively and societally)
Solidarity, Union and Yoga
Koshas, Chakras, Granthis, Nadis
Alters, Ritual and Aligning
8 limbs & tools to cultivate the Eden inside
Gravity, fascia, asana, bhandhas, & pranayama
Chanting (Gayatri, Bija, and Maha Gayatri)
Foot, Knees, Leg, Pelvis Bones, Spine Bones
Asana, gravity, passageways
Standing and balancing poses
Your foundation (sangha & potential partnerships)
Crown & Ajna
Crown and Ajna
Endocrine System, consciousness, Vagus nerve
Brain, Spinal cord and peripheral nerves
Gross and subtle spine movement and pathways (Shushumna, Ida, Pingala, Nadis)
Time: past, present, future & timelessness (death, reincarnation, infinite eternal & whole)
Lungs, Circulation
4 chambers: sadness/grief, fear, anger and love
Arms & Arm Balancing, Mudras and Metta
Speech, Mouth, Tongue, Caverns
Neck as responsibility & limitless language
Articulating vision
Organ Allies
Contribution and Collaboration
Ancestor clearing & claiming power
Enoughness, Service, Solidarity, Stillness & Gratitude
Second Chakra
Pelvis ~ Hammock, Kidneys, Bladder, Flowers
Belly down and floor postures
Circuits, conductivity, creativity, kumbhakas
Life as Lover
Guest faculty & mentors
(Y)our Body of Knowledge
A women's 300hr Yoga Alliance
leadership training
On & off the mat
yoga leadership training
Deepening your online & live curriculum & contribution through advanced meditation, asana, bandhas, mudra,
and embodied anatomy
based on the chakras,
fascial chains & visceral cavities
Key Intentions
understand principles about how areas may be affected by mindfulness & movement (stretch, pressure, fulcrums, changing relationship to gravity, force or range of motion)
understand tools yoga offers to potentially stimulate stillness, movement or integration into areas of mind, body and spirit.
experience and explore teaching yogic tools to access & integrate our greatest potential using:
fascial chains
embodied anatomy
family tree clearing
Maha Gayatri Mantra to each part of our body and world
gain experience in online and live 1:1 and group classes and workshops & develop online content through peer feedback and powerful visioning
strengthen, as a professional, our ability to witness ourselves & another, to ground into the moment, to bracket what arises in us when we are in a professional role, & to independently source our own support system for effective integration
refine our on & off the mat understanding & expression of anatomy & a full range of yogic tools
"After a thousand sun salutes,
I thought,
there has got to be more to this..."
~a former chakra intensive student
Sept - Dec 2020
Feb - April 2021
every Saturday 10am - 1pm EST
every Tuesday 6pm - 9pm EST
8 alternating Sat & Sun 10am - 6pm EST
Plus some potential/flex peer & faculty classes M, T, F, Sun
Video, reading, peer teaching, class and business preparation
Participants lead a full range of experiences from meditation and chair yoga to advanced asana.
We discuss principles together. You will have ample space to integrate & apply these principles to your own yoga style & service within your community. We will also benefit tremendously from peer feedback to get input on your craft & contributions.
If you register with a Friend before Jan 5
the second tuition is 1/2 off.
Early Bird until Jan 5 $3200
After Jan 5 $3800
(previously $4800)
10% -25% of your tuition will fund your local mentor or
scholarships for students serving marginalized communities.
Donations are deeply appreciated to support outreach efforts.
We encourage you to be compassionate in assessing if you have the resources inside and out
to undertake a full intensive
or whether it is more compassionate
to put focus and finances elsewhere
during this complex time.
Save Our Studios (SOS)
If you own a studio, you may be interested in an online outreach opportunity where you promote to your community and receive:
a % of the tuition
the possibility of mentoring your community's small group if <10 students enroll
staff or diversity participant discounts or work exchange for the following programs:
300hr YTT
Foundational 200hr Anatomy
Partnering has offered some studios a surge of support
to help see you & your community through.
Please email
if you are interested in finding out more and
supporting this initiative.
Come inside
Come home