Grace's Anatomy
has trained over 3000
yoga, massage therapy & health professionals
in integrative advanced courses
online & in person.
This experiential and scientific journey
illuminates spatial, functional, developmental, and somatic collaborations
within each bodily cavity.
Grace's Anatomy integrates:
gross & subtle anatomy
psyche & structure
somatics & early development
embryology & aging
western systems & regional connections
full potential & pathology

"Grace Jull's transformational understanding of gross and subtle anatomy is the most holistic approach that I have studied.
Her scholarship, depth &
ability to meet students where they are
makes Grace one of the top anatomy teachers in the world"
Brenda Feurstein
~ Director & Author ~ Traditional Yoga Studies Translator & authority on ancient yogic texts

It's me, Body.
We'd really love to get to know each other more deeply.

"One of the most powerful trainings I have ever taken"
Erich ~ Former Burmese Monk

Donations help support
the development & publishing of resources,
conference presentation cost
and offers invaluable wind under our collective wings.
Thank you for considering ways to support this work.